Luvuyo Mpoza

Luvuyo Mpoza age 34 has daughter age6
being a member of OW has broaden my thinking or doing creative work especially since OW mainly deals with waste….
just being in the art/design platform is one of the wake up call everyone needs, yes it takes time but with continuous inspiration from others I’ve grown in ways I never thought.
His main work or daily bread he washes bins in his community of Langa TownShip his been doing this for the past 8years.. his main wish is to get his own set were he can sort an wash his bins this would allow him to employ youths or people that want work in their community and uplift the social financial economy of Langa, two he needs a bakkie to transport his bins and the recycling his getting from the same bins and other bins in his area, the transportation would also help in transporting the bins should the waste pick up truck not arrive for collection as they can transported to the nearest landfill set. Bakkie