Our Workshop Projects

Our Workshop Projects is a sister company to Our Workshop NPO. It is a private company which sells products and services to private and corporate clients, thereby providing financial support to the NPO and it’s members. 

Initially there was a hope to access funding from government and other grant funders, but we haven’t been able to get that right yet. Therefore we started the Pty(Ltd) to keep our heads above water and to continue the important social and environmental work we do in Langa.

Below are all the projects we've done - in chronological order

Battery Park decor 2020

In 2020,added to the Watershed action, the Waterfront decided to also decorate the Battery Park area near the skate park and basketball court.

V&A Watershed festive decor 2020

V&A Watershed festive decor 2020 For the second year in a row, we were very fortunately invited to take part in making the 2020 festive

Wire work workshop in Obs 2020

While we were not allowed to convene in our workshop space in Langa during lockdown in October 2020, we started to get together in Observatory to stay in touch and do some skill exchange workshops.

Basket weaving workshop 2020

Basket weaving workshop 2020 Inspired by a lockdown project on Instagram – basket club – we started to explore a technique of basket making called

COVID quilting project 2020

COVID quilting project 2020 As COVID 19 decimated our sense of community, in order to maintain a sense of togetherness, and as a form of