Our Workshop
Guga S’thebe, Washington St, Langa,
Cape Town, 7455, South Africa
For urgent & corporate enquiries, telephone Heath: +27 82 403 6958
Email address: Ourworkshopct@gmail.com
Click on icon below
For the second year in a row, we were very fortunately invited to take part in making the 2020 festive decor for the Watershed at the V&A Waterfront. This time, the Watershed decor was a huge collaborative effort with elements being provided by a number of local craft producers from the Watershed. This forward looking approach to inclusivity on the Waterfront’s part was a great move for all makers involved. It was a step towards recovery from the ravages of COVID during 2020. It was also a pleasure to work with Platform Creative again for the second time
Our work for the installation was to make many long garlands (representing 2 types of forest – a woodland and an underwater kelp forest) from reject PET plastic bottles. These long elements were to form a kind of ‘background’ for all the other crafters’ hand-made elements.
More importantly though, we ran a month long series of daily workshops at the Watershed to allow the public to help make the decor and learn the basics of making upcycled flowers and kelp.
Added to these interactive make-and-do daily sessions, we teamed up with Captain Fanplastic https://captainfanplastic.com/ to run a series of workshops specifically for kids at the Waterfront as well as in Langa at Guga S’thebe.
Our Workshop
Guga S’thebe, Washington St, Langa,
Cape Town, 7455, South Africa
For urgent & corporate enquiries, telephone Heath: +27 82 403 6958
Email address: Ourworkshopct@gmail.com
Click on icon below
©2020 Our Workshop